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Presentation Plaques

Presentation plaques are great for surprises! They are perfect gifts or awards to military, government, university, and corporates during any celebration, presentation, event, or ceremony. So if you have a friend, family, or colleague you want to amaze in his or her graduation, recognition, deployment, or retirement, we are here to help you design and make a quality plaque for him or for her!

All you need to do is talk to our artist team about your specifications for your presentation plaque. You must include the design and the wordings/quotes/message with your desired shape, size, and color of the plaque. If you have an unfinished design, we can help you complete it or if you haven't, we can work with you to create the design you want. You don't need to pay additional fees for the artwork set-up because that's our way of giving our customers great service for over 20 years!

Our world-class presentation plaques are made of high-quality mahogany wood and brass in 3D relief and hand-painted in full color or as specified. These are usually hung or displayed on walls or podiums. The one who will receive it can also add this plaque to his or her service memorabilia.

There is no minimum order required even for the custom-designed presentation plaques! No US standard shipping delivery, too. So, order now!

Order now from our wide selection of highest quality and unique presentation plaques that you can have in a lifetime without changing! You can click the button below to see more samples.


Mission Statement


Serving the U.S. Government & Military Since 1991

American Plaque Company is a veteran owned company in business more than twenty years. Our mission is to create the highest quality solid wood products and other high-quality products to serve the needs of the U.S. government, military, law enforcement and firefighting communities. We manufacture custom solid wood products to client’s exact specifications by using our state of the art eco-friendly green manufacturing facility. We focus on these communities because we believe in serving those who serve the greater good of our world and local communities.

Military and Government Plaques is your one stop online shop for customized wooden plaques, seals, shadow boxes, desk name plates and tail flashes.

For 25 years, we have been making quality hand-carved wood products for the United States Armed Forces: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air force and Coast guard; also for state and local governments, law enforcement agencies, schools, companies, and other organizations.

We have our own designs for every plaque, shadow box and name plate but you can always customize your own without any extra charge at all! You can send to us the design that you want and we will gladly do it for you. There are no artwork fees and set up fees. No minimum orders needed.

NAICS Codes: 321211, 321999, 337211, 337215, 339950

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About Us is a US Veteran Owned Business licensed to manufacture plaques, seal, nameplate and shadow boxes for the US military and government. Plaques, seals, shadow boxes and desk name plates are all handmade from mahogany wood. Logos and letterings are hand carved and are hand-painted and finished.

We meet shipping deadlines and we have free standard delivery. But no worries, express shipping is also available.

Our team is waiting to assist you with what you need. Call us today.



Certified & Licensed

We Offer Various Payment Options P-Cards, Wide Area Workflow (WAWF), major credit cards, and government facilities have the capability to open a pre-approved credit account where payments can be made net 10, net 30 or contact us to arrange pre-negotiable terms and condition. Having recently moved into a brand new purpose built factory which covers an area of 10,000sq yards and fitted out with all the latest climate control systems to ensure highest quality finishes whether colored or natural wood.


  • Custom Made
  • Plaques
  • Shadow Boxes
  • Desk Name Plates
  • Custom Design Plaques
  • Deployment & Plankowner
  • Cast Metal Plaques
  • Mouse Pads
  • Outdoor Military Plaques

About Us

  • Who We Are
  • Mission Statement
  • Capability Statement
  • Privacy Policy
  • Return & Refund Policy
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Legal Disclaimers

Ordering Guides

  • How to Design Custom Plaque
  • Instruction for Ordering Desk Name Plate
  • Advice on Shadow Box Design
  • Wording for Military Plaque
  • How to Fold a Military Flag
  • Arcicles

Contact Us

Government Point of Contact

Company Data

  • American Plaque
  • Company
  • 59810 Cottonwood
  • Mishawaka, IN 46544 U.S.A.

Legal Business Name:

  • American Plaque
  • Company
  • Federal Tax ID:
  • 27-2920261
  • DUNS: 963256842
  • CAGE/NCAGE: 63V32

NAICS Codes:

  • 321211, 321999, 337211,
  • 337215, 339950
  • PSC Codes: 7110, 8455,
  • 9905, 9999
  • FSC Codes: 8455, 9905

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