Cruise Plaque USS Nimitz

$256.95 each
maximum upload file size : 100M
maximum upload file size : 100M
maximum upload file size : 100M

This Cruise Deployment Plaque is made from 100% mahogany handcrafted in full detail 3D look. This plaque was custom made for the service men and women of the USS Nimitz and USNS Mathew Perry to celebrate the COVID Cruise of 2020-21.

We custom make all our Criuse plaques after working with our customers on designs and layouts. Catch the interest of whoever might see your headquarters with this plaque!

All our Navy Criuse PLaque work is fuly guaranteed and we can ship worldwide.

Specify your design, color, shape, and size you want for your plaque. We can add brass plates or directly engrave names, dates, and dedication message on your plaque to show your appreciation to deployed or retiring troops or squadrons. offers a wide selection of plaques from retirement plaques, award plaques, presentation plaques, dedication plaques and deployment plaques. So, customize your own plaque and make your order now by filling out the form on the right side! You can also email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more questions or use the chat-box at the lower right part corner of the page and send us your inquiries.

Brand URL : cruise-plaque-uss-nimitz

Company Data

American Plaque Company
59810 Cottonwood
Mishawaka, IN 46544

Government Point of Contact

Name: John Morgan
Contact No: 574-807-0026

Toll Free: 1-800-313-1876
Tel: 574-968-3856
Fax: 419-828-5068 (EFAX)
Email: [email protected]

Legal Business Name

American Plaque Company
Federal Tax ID: 27-2920261
DUNS: 963256842

NAICS Codes: 321211, 321999, 337211, 337215, 339950
PSC Codes: 7110, 8455, 9905, 9999
FSC Codes: 8455, 9905

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